Journey To Bethlehem - An Indoor Walk-thru Experience

Journey to Bethlehem

A Walk Through Experience

Dates: December 8 - 10 (Sunday - Tuesday)

Times: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Please enter and park on the East side of the church. All guests must register under the East Drive-Thru canopy and be assigned to a tour group.

You will receive treats and your travel papers as you wait for your group to be called. Your group will then enter and be led on your own Journey to Bethlehem.

At 8 pm, Parking will be closed, but all who are waiting will be able take their tour.

For more information, call El Dorado First Assembly 870-863-6143


Christmas in El Dorado Concert

Christmas at EFA

Carols, Candles and communion

For more information, call El Dorado First Assembly 870-863-6143